Publications & Media

It is that Time of Year Again…

Kegler Brown E-mployment Alert

It's that time of year again – company-sponsored softball teams, picnics and other fun-filled recreational activities

...and sprained ankles, broken bones and pulled muscles!

C-159.pdf available from the Ohio BWC website.

Under Ohio law, employees injured while engaged in employer-sponsored recreational activities are entitled to workers' compensation benefits unless they sign a waiver. The waiver must be signed by the employee before the recreational activity takes place. Be sure to list any and all activities to be covered by the waiver. Also note that the waiver is only good for two years so a new one must be signed bi-annually.

Workers' Comp rates are going up so it's important to avoid liability whenever you can. The BWC's Oversight Commission recently approved a premium rate increase of 4.4% for private employers and 5% for state agencies and public universities. (Insert free shot at BWC investment policies here!) Click on the link to the left for a copy of the Bureau's waiver form.

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