ConsensusDOCS Offer Collaborative Alternatives

Kegler Brown Construction Newsletter

While IPD and BIM are well under way on complex jobs, contract documents are trying to catch up. The ConsensusDOCS group, consisting of more than two (2) dozen national trade associations representing owners, sureties, contractors and subcontractors, have come together to endorse dozens of contract documents.

Perhaps the most unique is the ConsensusDOCS 300 form designed for a Tri-Party Agreement (designer, owner and contractor) on a collaborative IPD project. In this contract, the parties share project risks and costs savings measured against a Project Target Cost Estimate. The Contractor (and Subcontractors) are to work together with the Architect and Owner to continually bring value through improved quality, cost savings or constructability. All have a common interest in the overall success of the Project.

For more information concerning ConsensusDOCS, go to