Publications & Media

Testimony Regarding HB 277 – Revises Regulation of Cosmetologists and Barbers

Ohio House Commerce and Labor Committee

On September 22, 2021, Representative Jena Powell presented sponsor testimony to the Ohio House Commerce and Labor Committee in regards to HB 277 that seeks to revise the law governing the regulation of cosmetologists and barbers. The focus of the bill is to remove occupational licensing barriers so that cosmetology students, primarily women and minorities, can achieve greater success when entering the beauty industry. We can accomplish this goal by reducing the time it takes to finish initial training to obtain a license so future professionals can enter the workforce earlier to earn a living for themselves and their family. In addition, hair, skin and nail services are no different across the country. Therefore, permitting the state to recognize out of state licensees that want to work, live and raise a family here in Ohio is also important. Tony Fiore will be testifying as a proponent on HB 277 for the Ohio Salon Association.

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